ISO 13485:2016

Arc Machines 317

Arc Machines International (AMI) came to Nectar for help creating a new product offering, dubbed the 317, to add to their existing line of orbital welding power supplies. The 317 needed to have a modernized look and feel, while maintaining Arc’s signature ruggedness and reliability. This would serve as the basis for AMI’s new brand language. There was also a need to create a product with a user experience (UX) that serves both seasoned experts and new generation novice welders.

Arc Machines 317 interface

Modern UI

The focal point of the user experience for the product is the graphical user interface (GUI) that an operator uses to execute a weld. Nectar created a new intuitive workflow that facilitates an easy user experience while still allowing sufficient controls for expert users. The GUI is touch optimized for users wearing thick welding gloves and working in rugged outdoor environments with light or dark surroundings. It also includes new data visualization to give better feedback to users for planning and welding.




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